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Certificate in In Vitro Diagnostic Devices (Online Programme)
This programme provides a concise coverage of the essential knowledge for bringing IVD into the market, covering topics of practical relevance which will help learners to build a strong foundation in both the scientific knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting the success of product development and commercialisation.
READ MORE to get more information Online Learning S$750.00
Graduate Certificate in Health Products Regulation
Through this Graduate Certificate Programme we aim to equip working professionals like yourself with updated scientific and regulatory knowledge and critical skills through application-based learning. The skillsets gained through this programme will help you assume diverse roles requiring regulatory science expertise within the public and private sectors.
READ MORE to get more information Blended Learning
_Center of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE) - Past Events
CoRE organises events to support public and private bodies in their development of strong regulatory capabilities, and encourage innovation through thought leadership and best practices. The lectures and materials in the past events organised by the CoRE can be found in
READ MORE to access recordings of past events Online Learning
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